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Why hire a UBC Sauder student?
UBC Sauder students bring fresh perspectives, in-demand skills, and a readiness to make an impact. Explore a range of roles they can excel in.
Staff Accountant
Investment Banking Analyst
Business Analyst
Software Engineer
AI Strategy Consultant
Customer Experience Specialist
Digital Content/Marketing Coordinator
Financial Analyst
Growth & Marketing Manager
Product Owner
Business Intelligence Engineer
Senior Talent Manager

See UBC Sauder students in action

Bridging data and strategy: How UBC Sauder’s MBAN empowers students to transform data into actionable business impact
The Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) program at UBC Sauder is designed to merge the technical rigour of data with the...

How this UBC Sauder MM alum merged sports and business for a greener future
From the Olympic field to the forefront of environmental sustainability, Oliver Scholfield’s journey is one of passion, ...

How this UBC Sauder B+MM alum brought practical skills from the classroom to her career
In an increasingly competitive business landscape, students look for more than just textbook knowledge to succeed—it's t...

UBC Sauder MBAN students compete in Analytics Hackathon with Google Cloud
The UBC Sauder School of Business and Google Cloud Hackathon is designed to give UBC Sauder Master of Business Analytics...

Co-op student uses AI to bring a fresh perspective: Meet Jiawei Zhang
Frank, who is completing a Master of Business Analytic Degree at University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Busin...

UBC Sauder co-op student spends summer internship in Toronto immersed in global investment banking
UBC Sauder School of Business co-op student Shivani Aggarwal is learning about the world of global investment banking as...

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