Let us help
Here’s how the Business Career Centre can help you meet with candidates, build awareness of your organization, and hire exceptional people.
Interview on campus
The Business Career Centre makes it easy for you to interview students and graduates. We will provide the facilities, schedule interviews and take care of all the details, at no charge.
Attend or host a recruiting event
The Business Career Centre arranges a wide variety of recruiting events to introduce the business community to Sauder students. Our events team can also help organize an on-campus recruiting event for your company. Take a look at our events calendar for more information or contact us to learn more.
Hold a company recruiting session
These informative recruiting sessions are a great way to showcase your company’s culture, vision, and job opportunities to Sauder students. Company Recruiting Sessions are held on-campus or via webcast throughout the academic year (September - November and January - March). To learn more or schedule an event, speak to your Business Development Manager or email talent@sauder.ubc.ca.
Host a company visit
We can help facilitate local site visits or open houses with small groups of highly-engaged UBC Sauder students. This gives you an opportunity to meet potential candidates in person and to showcase your organization. Contact your Business Development Manager or email talent@sauder.ubc.ca to learn more.