
Co-op student uses AI to bring a fresh perspective: Meet Jiawei Zhang

Jiawei Frank Zhang working on an initiative designed to revolutionise data management at Wyloo

For Jiawei (Frank) Zhang, working on an initiative designed to revolutionise data management at Wyloo is an opportunity to channel his skill set in the professional world.

Posted 2024-08-07

Frank, who is completing a Master of Business Analytic Degree at University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business has joined our team in Toronto for three months in a co-op placement.

Co-op student programs integrate work periods in companies related to the field of study the student is completing, providing valuable job experience and a fresh perspective for the host company. 

“I chose to undertake a co-op role with Wyloo because the role and organisation are a great fit for my skills, professional goals and my personal values,” says Frank.
“In addition to the rewarding work, the people here at Wyloo are lovely; I really like my team and my managers. Since joining, I have had many opportunities to have my opinions heard, be part of the conversation and feel empowered to do my work.”

Wyloo is equally thrilled to have Frank’s fresh perspective as he assists in the research and development of Wyloo’s ‘Glass Box’ approach; an initiative designed to provide maximum transparency to stakeholders around our Eagle’s Nest Project, including real-time access to project information, environmental monitoring and data capture.

The approach leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative large language models, to optimize data accessibility and analytics within data management platforms.

Frank is diving deep into the latest available research to develop general guidelines and first principles for adopting AI in Wyloo’s database and content management systems, which will inform our ‘Glass Box’ approach.

“My involvement in the ‘Glass Box’ approach is highly relevant to my studies in Business Analytics, as it allows me to apply and further develop my skills in data analytics and AI integration,” he said.

“I have the opportunity to engage directly with cutting-edge technologies in AI integration, database management, and research, especially within the context of sustainability and largescale project management.

“Wyloo’s commitment to transparency and sustainability, exemplified by projects like Eagle’s Nest and the innovative “Glass Box” initiative, resonates strongly with one of my important beliefs of building long-lasting, trusting relationships and community. This role offers a unique chance to contribute to impactful projects and develop my skills in a dynamic and forward thinking environment.

“AI has a transformative role in the future of mining and sustainability by enhancing operational efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and improving safety and compliance monitoring through the lens of data analytics and predictive modeling. For Wyloo, utilizing AI is critical in creating an interface for transparency, demonstrating the company’s goals of leading the industry in sustainability practices and trust acquisition.”

Zahir Jina, Frank’s manager, remarked on Frank’s fresh approach to AI foundations and integration as an asset to the team.

”Frank has quickly integrated and become a valued member of our team. His insights have supported an understanding of AI foundations and integration for our “Glass Box” framework, which are critical for implementation. We are excited to welcome co-op students to Wyloo, providing their unique perspectives and knowledge as we advance our mission of environmental stewardship,” he said.

As seen in Wyloo.