
UBC Sauder co-op student spends summer internship in Toronto immersed in global investment banking

Shivanni Aggarwal standing at CIBC building
Posted 2024-08-29

UBC Sauder School of Business co-op student Shivani Aggarwal is learning about the world of global investment banking as a summer intern with CIBC’s Two-Year Advancement Program. She was selected as one of six undergraduate students from across the country for the internship program, which is designed to support young women to pursue a career in finance and investment banking. UBC Sauder’s Business Career Centre worked closely with CIBC to connect Commerce students to the career development opportunity that provides not one but two four-month internships. 

Experiencing life in Canada’s business capital 

Shivani Aggarwal is making the most of her summer job experience in Toronto. Each weekday morning, she walks from her apartment to CIBC’s national headquarters on Bay Street. As a summer analyst with the Technology and Innovation team at the CIBC Capital Markets Global Investment Banking group, the learning curve has been steep but exciting. 

“A lot of my work involves researching companies, industries and business trends and putting that information into a slide deck,” says Aggarwal. “We help the senior members of our team with company pitches and if there’s live deal going on, such as an IPO or M&A, we help where we can.”

Mentoring women and offering career development opportunities

Aggarwal says her internship has been overwhelmingly positive, thanks to the mentorship and support she receives from CIBC staff. 

“I got accepted into the Advancement Program in February and was immediately assigned a mentor. We had bi-weekly chats and talked about the internship program and about CIBC’s culture, and she helped me get up to speed before I started in May.” 

Aggarwal and her fellow interns were also invited to attend calls and introduced to different teams within CIBC Capital Markets. Those virtual introductions helped pave the way for a positive in-person experience.

“It’s made networking in person so much easier,” she explains. “At CIBC socials, I recognize senior professionals that I met on these calls, and when I introduce myself, everyone is really nice and really approachable.”

Shivani Aggarwal braves the CN Tower EdgeWalk with CIBC mentor-buddy, Meaghan Moore.
Shivani Aggarwal braves the CN Tower EdgeWalk with CIBC mentor-buddy, Meaghan Moore.


Forming friendships and learning together

Aggarwal says her workday is long, often stretching to midnight, but she and her fellow interns break up their deskwork by going for walks and having meals together. 

“We are all students new to investment banking, so we’re just trying our best and trying to learn as much as we can. We’re forming bonds, building camaraderie and also gaining some insights into how we can maximize this professional learning opportunity.” 

Shivani Aggarwal (third from left) attends a CIBC social event with teammates Aditya Narsimhan (left) and Rohan Shah (right), as well as Narsimhan’s spouse, Shweta Suresh.
Shivani Aggarwal (third from left) attends a CIBC social event with teammates Aditya Narsimhan (left) and Rohan Shah (right), as well as Narsimhan’s spouse, Shweta Suresh.


Advice for students dreaming of an investment banking internship

Out of Aggarawal’s cohort of six interns, two are from UBC Sauder and four are from Ontario and Quebec universities. She says her application may have stood out because of her work with a student equity research club called WestPeak Research Association. 

“If you’re interested in finance and capital markets, student clubs are a great way to get some practical experience. At WestPeak, you learn how to create equity research reports and how to work with valuation models. I joined the club last year as a junior analyst and now I am going to be heading it as a co-director.” 

For Aggarwal, one of the best parts of the CIBC Two-Year Advancement Program is knowing she will be back next summer.

“I’ve learned so much and the second-year interns have been really supportive, so I’m looking forward to  making a bigger contribution and bigger impact next year.”