
UBC Sauder MBAN students compete in Analytics Hackathon with Google Cloud

Posted 2024-05-14

The UBC Sauder School of Business and Google Cloud Hackathon is designed to give UBC Sauder Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) students real-world experience using the advanced data analytics skills they learn throughout the program. This partnership between UBC Sauder and Google Cloud creates an environment for students to prepare for a career in business analytics, cementing the knowledge they have gained in the classroom while learning from industry experts.

Fueled by pizza, caffeine, and a race against the clock, participating UBC MBAN students were given three days to solve one of three real-world business analytics challenges presented by Google Cloud. Working in small groups, students leveraged the Google suite of cloud-based analytics products, along with their innovation and creativity, to transform complex data sets into actionable business solutions using out of the box thinking.

World-class coaching

With support from Google Cloud’s coaches, participants sought advice on how to manage and query large data sets, design dashboards and utilize generative AI to solve problems and develop compelling recommendations. 

After practicing and refining their presentation with feedback from UBC Sauder faculty, each group presented their final insights to professionals from Google and other data experts with 10-minutes to explain why their proposed recommendations should be adopted.

“The Google representatives and UBC Sauder team were extremely supportive throughout the entire experience,” says Kuhu Puranik, UBC Sauder MBAN student and Hackathon participant. “Learning directly from Google Cloud about how they use data in the field was invaluable, and we were able to use some of those elements directly in our presentation.”

MBAN students Shivang Gulati, Roshan Shetty and Kuhu Puranik holding up their team’s sign.
MBAN students Shivang Gulati, Roshan Shetty and Kuhu Puranik holding up their team’s sign.


Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a foundational part of the UBC Sauder MBAN program to prepare students for careers in analytics across a wide range of industries, which includes an internship component as well as hands on experiences like the Hackathon.

“The Hackathon mirrors time-sensitive, complex problems that businesses face daily,” says Jane Arthurs, Associate Director of Business Development at UBC Sauder’s Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre. “Between the Hackathon and internships, students learn how to deal with large and incomplete data sets, derive actionable insights and communicate those findings persuasively to upper management. Managing real-world business challenges, learning how to pivot and adapt if their initial approach doesn’t work, and working as a team under pressure are skills that are directly transferrable to any workplace.”

MBAN students Jay Liu and Linlin Li working through the complex business problem from Google Cloud.
MBAN students Jay Liu and Linlin Li working through the complex business problem from Google Cloud.


Ready to make an impact

The Hackathon is a short but intensive time commitment for students to prove their qualifications in data analytics, directly boosting their resume and serving as a strong reference point for interviews. 

“From how to help a small business using an e-commerce data set by geographic location to how to reduce fatalities using a data set on pedestrian collisions in New York City, Hackathon participants are solving real business problems,” says Mason Margotta, Manager, UBC Sauder MBAN Student Experience. “This sandbox setting offers the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned and reference it as they begin their careers.” 

Developing data-driven leaders

The UBC Sauder MBAN program combines data analytics with business acumen, equipping students with the skills to define challenges through the lens of a business leader and identify analytics methodologies to design a strategic solution. “Students’ ability to model different decision options with exceptional business expertise really sets the MBAN program apart from other data-specific programs,” explains Margotta. 

Arthurs, who works closely with many employers and UBC Sauder students, equates hiring a UBC Sauder MBAN graduate or current student with investing in a proven commodity. “These students are technically proficient; they think strategically about the data and deliver compelling insights,” says Arthurs. “They go the extra mile to deliver solution options for decision-makers while considering the implications and risk mitigation strategies. They can operate in complex environments and deliver compelling solutions from day one.” 

Benjamin Yu, Customer Engineering, Data Analytics & AI/ML and Anna Baird, Special Programs and Executive Engagements, Canadian Leadership Team from Google Cloud presenting the business problems to the Hackathon participants on day one.


Access to the experts

In addition to hands on learning, students get to network with leading industry professionals during the social portion of the Hackathon, including Anna Baird, Special Programs and Executive Engagements, Canadian Leadership Team, Google Cloud. “Seeing the way technology can be leveraged through the students’ fresh eyes was inspiring,” says Baird. “We had the leaders of the future working together to solve challenging problems, and seeing what they developed, how they embrace technology and what that means for the future was very exciting.”

Baird speaks highly of Google Cloud’s past successes working with UBC Sauder students and faculty. “There is no shortage of expertise on this campus. Being a part of this experience with students is two-fold for us: we get to see what the future might look like through the next generation of data experts, while also supporting students in developing skills that will help them no matter what industry they go into – whether they want to be founders or work in big corporate. Being a part of the UBC Sauder learning environment feels like we are contributing to making Canada more competitive by fostering these critical skills among the next generation.”

The ever-growing value of data

Baird believes wholeheartedly in the value of data analysis skills in business. “Every decision we make at Google Cloud always starts with data,” says Baird. “As data continues to accumulate, we coach students on how to see it as an equation, even when the data sets are incomplete. It requires creativity and innovation to determine how we can analyze and organize the information we are collecting to pull valuable insights that make a meaningful impact on business strategy and success.”

The winning team

UBC Sauder MBAN students: Michele Lee, Grace Liu, Agnes Xi, Yihan Yang celebrating their win.

Congratulations to the winning team of the 2024 UBC Sauder Hackathon, the Gotham City Guards, who were recognized for their exceptional work and expertise. 


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