Insights at UBC Sauder

Finance & Financial Markets

Card link for When CEOs admit they have failed, stock analysts value their companies more highly: UBC study

When CEOs admit they have failed, stock analysts value their companies more highly: UBC study

  • Business Strategy
  • September 28, 2023
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Remote team attending videocall meeting, coworkers talking on videoconference at night. Diverse people chatting in teleconference, colleagues brainstorming ideas in videoconference in office zoom in
Card link for The Great Resignation was caused by the COVID-19 housing boom: study

The Great Resignation was caused by the COVID-19 housing boom: study

  • Real Estate
  • June 26, 2023
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The great resignation
Card link for Americans are cashing out their retirement savings at an alarming rate: study

Americans are cashing out their retirement savings at an alarming rate: study

  • Workforce & Labour Relations
  • April 4, 2023
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Retirement savings
Card link for When stock market regulators release more information, everybody wins: UBC study

When stock market regulators release more information, everybody wins: UBC study

  • Finance & Financial Markets
  • February 28, 2023
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Card link for UBC study shows rent control promotes housing affordability

UBC study shows rent control promotes housing affordability

  • Real Estate
  • December 8, 2022
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UBC study shows rent control promotes housing affordability
Card link for Inflation can cause banks to cut back on lending, further harming economy: study

Inflation can cause banks to cut back on lending, further harming economy: study

  • Finance & Financial Markets
  • November 15, 2022
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Inflation can cause banks to cut back on lending, further harming economy: study
Card link for Employee protections can lead companies to innovate — and shed jobs

Employee protections can lead companies to innovate — and shed jobs

  • Finance & Financial Markets
  • August 4, 2022
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Employee protections can lead companies to innovate — and shed jobs
Card link for Open up: UBC study shows that open banking can benefit consumers and spur competition

Open up: UBC study shows that open banking can benefit consumers and spur competition

  • Finance & Financial Markets
  • May 12, 2022
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Open Up: UBC Study Shows That Open Banking Can Benefit Consumers and Spur Competition
Card link for Moving businesses to remote work model can lead to massive growth: UBC study

Moving businesses to remote work model can lead to massive growth: UBC study

  • Finance & Financial Markets
  • April 21, 2022
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Jan Bena case study.jpeg
Card link for Werner’s Blog: Where are oil prices headed in the future?

Werner’s Blog: Where are oil prices headed in the future?

  • Economics
  • March 10, 2022
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Gas price
Card link for Werner’s Blog: Is inflation back to stay?

Werner’s Blog: Is inflation back to stay?

  • Economics
  • January 26, 2022
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Werner’s Blog: Is inflation back to stay?
Card link for Werner’s Blog: The economic vulnerability of Bitcoin mining

Werner’s Blog: The economic vulnerability of Bitcoin mining

  • Economics
  • June 23, 2021
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Bitcoin mining
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