Insights at UBC Sauder

UBC Sauder research introducing the SHIFT Framework honoured with 2024 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award


Professor Katherine White and Assistant Professor Rishad Habib from Toronto Metropolitan University (UBC Sauder PhD alumni 2021) accepting the 2024 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award

Posted 2024-08-23

The research paper that introduces the SHIFT Framework, a pioneering and comprehensive approach to fostering sustainable consumer behaviors, has been honoured with the American Marketing Association (AMA)’s 2024 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award. UBC Sauder authors Professor Katherine White and Associate Professor David Hardisty, along with Assistant Professor Rishad Habib from Toronto Metropolitan University (UBC Sauder PhD alumni 2021), received the award at the 2024 AMA Summer Academic Conference in Boston.

The annual Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award honours a Journal of Marketing article that has made long-term contributions to the field of marketing. An article is eligible for consideration to receive the award in the fifth year after its publication. The criteria for selection include the quality of the article’s contribution to theory and practice, its originality, its technical competence (if relevant), and its impact on the field of marketing.

The research paper “How to SHIFT Consumer Behaviors to be More Sustainable: A Literature Review and Guiding Framework” introduces the SHIFT Framework, an acronym representing five routes, or psychological factors, to help consumers adopt and foster more sustainable behaviour: Social influence, Habits, Individual self, Feelings and cognition, and Tangibility.

In making the announcement of the award winner, the selection committee noted that the SHIFT framework “has profoundly impacted marketing practice, influencing a wide array of stakeholders such as businesses, non-profits, and government organizations, with collaborations ranging from big brands to city governments and startups. This work has facilitated the application of the framework in various educational settings, including executive education, undergraduate, and PhD courses, where it’s used to develop and test sustainable behavior change strategies. Furthermore, the framework’s concepts have been distilled into accessible articles for a managerial audience in such publications like Harvard Business Review and The Conversation. Over 50 organizations, including major corporations and non-profits, have utilized the SHIFT Framework, showcasing its widespread application and dissemination through diverse channels such as conferences, webinars, and academic presentations.”

To learn more about the SHIFT Framework and to hear the authors present their findings, visit the AMA website here.


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