

Core themes

The core research themes at SauderS3i are building the low carbon economy, social innovation, and impact investing. Our goal is to build intellectual and human capacity by linking knowledge with action to further the field of sustainability and social innovation. We are just as passionate about student development and action oriented research, as we are about creating useful resources, plans and capacity for our partner communities and organizations.

Social Innovation
Landscape image of rice fields

Social Innovation

S3i helps incubate, accelerate, and fund social innovation projects across Canada related to a variety of sectors including climate, health, education and food.
Impact Investing
Image of underdeveloped houses

Impact Investing

For several years, now SauderS3i has been researching and evaluating the field of impact investing, and reviewing the financial mechanisms and vehicles that are in use globally
Low Carbon Economy
Image of natural gas plant

Low Carbon Economy

The Climate Intelligence Program (CIP) provides strategic, evidence- based analysis of climate science, technology, business, and policy
Preventative Health
Image of trees and road wizzing by really fast

Preventative Health

The preventative health initiative is focused on identifying viable interventions that reduce the burden of preventable diseases in Canada.
First Nations Economic Development
Image of First Nations wooden eagle sculpture

First Nations Economic Development

First Nations can develop and maintain thriving economies while preserving local culture


Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Postdoctoral fellowship program at Sauder S3i offers top Postdoctoral graduates the opportunity to participate in applied academic research after completion of their studies


Graduate Fellowship

The program is geared towards students who have experience in the areas of sustainability, social enterprise, economic development and the non-profit sector, and who want to pursue a career in those sectors


Honorary Fellowship

Our Honorary Fellows are experts in their respective fields who have partnered with Sauder S3i to share their knowledge and expertise, as well as provide guidance on projects and research that is being undertaken


Internship initiatives

UBC SauderS3i Internship

Sauder S3i offers Sauder MBA students summer internships focusing on sustainability and social engagement


e@UBC Social Venture Internship


Image of woman with a headset talking
  • Contact the Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing

  • Get in touch

    Email us here

    CIRS Building
    Room# 2331, 2260 West Mall
    Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4