Real Estate Division

Feed Your Future with UBC Webinars

Feed Your Future with UBC Webinars

The Real Estate Division periodically offers professional development courses in a live webinar format. Students view a presentation on a topical issue by industry professionals. Webinars are generally available in November/December and at other times during the year subject to demand. 

Please note: live webinar offerings are subject to enrollment. Please see the Registration Information section for more information.

Upcoming Live Webinars Date/Time Instructor Price CPD Credits Register
Coming Soon: November/December 2025


About Live Webinars

Pre-Reading: Most live webinars have access to online readings in advance of the session. In order to get the most out of the session, students should review these readings before attending the live webinar. As well, a pdf of the PowerPoint presentation can be found on the course website, usually at least a day before the scheduled live webinar. Students may wish to print out a copy of the PowerPoint presentation for the sessions, for ease of note taking. 

Session Format: A live webinar takes place in an online classroom using the Zoom app. The live webinar session includes a live narrated presentation that you access using your computer speakers. There is a live chat feature for the students to type in questions for the presenter.

Accessing the Live Webinar: Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation with login details. You may be prompted to download Zoom video conferencing software. before joining the meeting. If this is the case, follow the instructions provided. It is a good idea to visit the webinar room well in advance to test your computer system to ensure it is working optimally.


CPD Credits:

For all webinars, attendees may claim 2 CPD credits for attending the entire session. Active participation is mandatory, including poll questions and end-of-course survey. Additional CPD credits may be claimed as follows:

  • Up to 2 additional CPD credits may be claimed by completing 2 or more hours of pre-reading of course materials prior to the session. Quiz is not required. AIC members may add up to 2 CPD hours for this pre-reading by visiting AIC’s “CPD Credit Reporting Tool” and using the “Edit my Credits” tool to revise the CPD Webinar hours.
  • Alternatively, in select courses students may instead complete the final quiz to obtain additional credits, with a total CPD credits as follows:
    • Students participating in the CPD 114 webinar may also take the final quiz to obtain 2 additional CPD credits (4 credits total)
    • The quiz consists of 20 multiple choice questions and is open-book, self-administered, and must be completed in one hour.
    • The quiz must be completed after the webinar and within one year of enrollment in the course.
  • A maximum of 4 CPD credits may be earned per webinar, either through a combination of participating in the webinar and completing 2+ hours of pre-reading, OR participating in the webinar and completing the final quiz (CPD 114 only). If a student chooses to participate in the webinar, complete the pre-readings, and complete the final quiz, a maximum of 4 CPD credits will be awarded in total.
  • For AIC members, you may select during the course registration to have your CPD credits automatically uploaded to AIC, or you may self-report to AIC.


Registration Information

  • Register online for live webinars.

  • Students will receive an email with their CPD course login ID and password by the end of the next business day after submitting a course registration.

  • Registration closes at 4pm Pacific Time the day before the session.

  • Sessions are subject to cancellation if insufficient enrollment.

  • In the case of session's cancellation or postponement, registrants may choose to receive a refund or to attend a future session.

  • In no other cases are there any refunds once registered.

  • Registrants are advised that sessions will be recorded and sessions may be broadcast to further audiences in future.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • The CPD webinars offer an opportunity for live instruction in an online classroom. However, if you find the timing of the live webinars does not work for you, you may wish to review the UBC Real Estate Division's self-study CPD offerings. You may also wish to read through this Learning Advisory article published in Canadian Property Valuation to learn more about how a live webinar could work for you.

  • The CPD live webinars use the Zoom online conferencing app. Zoom is easy to install and run -- most participants are already familiar with Zoom. Go to to install Zoom. To learn more about Zoom, visit the Zoom Help Center.

  • You will need operational computer speakers or headphones in order to hear the presentation. Note that a microphone is not necessary to participate. Students may wish speak to the instructor and classmates, via the text chat box.

  • Zoom is designed with low bandwidth users in mind, but a broadband internet connection is highly recommended. Please see the Zoom Help Center for more detail on technical specifications and system requirements.

  • Please see the list of technical specifications and system requirements at the Zoom Help Center.

  • Send an email to We can provide you with a direct link to your live webinar or offer further assistance.

  • This is usually the result of low connection speed. You may have a problem with your wireless connection - try plugging your computer directly into your router.

  • Some tips on ensuring your Webinar experience is as optimal as possible:

    • Visit the Zoom Help Center early and make sure that you try to log into the webinar before the session.
    • Show up at least 30 minutes early, so if there are problems, you can troubleshoot them before the session starts.
    • Visit the course website before the webinar and review the recommended reading. You will get more out of the session if you have some of the basic concepts covered already.
    • If you need to step away from your desk, use the "Step Away" icon, so the instructor knows you aren't there.
    • You can send a message with text chat to one person or to everyone in the class.
    • Use the icons to show how you're feeling: amused or laughing, confused, tired, happy, etc.
    • If the instructor asks a question, respond in text chat or using the icons.
    • If you want to ask a question, either use text chat or use the "raise your hand" icon. Either the instructor or moderator will respond as soon as possible, usually in a pause between slides. General questions should be sent to the whole class in text chat, not directly to the instructor.
    • If you are having technical difficulties, contact the moderator directly with text chat -- they will help you out without disrupting the rest of the class.
    • Fill out the survey at the end, so we can learn from your experience and ensure these are the best they can be.
  • Participants usually do not speak. The webinar software offers a text chat feature if you have questions for the instructor or wish to "chat" with other students. Active participation is mandatory, and this is achieved simply by answering polling questions during the session and filling out the end-of-course survey.

  • CPD credits are based on the hours you spend in professional education. The 2 hours you attend a live webinar are eligible CPD credit hours. In all live webinars, 2 credits are achieved by actively CPD credits are based on the hours you spend in professional education. The 2 hours you attend a live webinar are eligible CPD credit hours. In all live webinars, 2 credits are achieved by actively participating in the live webinar and up to 2 additional credits may be claimed by completing 2 or more hours of advance reading/viewing. To claim the additional 2 credits for pre-reading, you will need to visit AIC’s “CPD Credit Reporting Tool” and use the “Edit my Credits” tool to revise the CPD Webinar hours.

  • Live webinar attendance is mandatory in order to obtain the 2 CPD credit hours.

    For webinars that have an associated self-study course, you may view the recorded webinar, read the online readings, and complete the final quiz in order to obtain additional CPD credits.

  • As long as you attended the session and actively participated (answered polling questions and evaluation survey during the live webinar), then you will receive a letter of completion from the UBC Real Estate Division.

  • To access your webinar, you will need to first access the course website on UBC Canvas. You can find instructions for this in the email you will have received confirming your registration. You will need to visit, and then log in with your 7-digit Real Estate Division student number and password. Once you are logged in, you will see a list of your courses. Navigate to the designated CPD course. Click on Modules and then Webinar.  You will find a Zoom link on this page. If you have difficulty with this link, please contact our support staff at

  • When you specify your name in Zoom, please ensure you have stated your full name (first and last) rather than a nickname or abbreviations. This allows UBC staff to confirm your attendance and award you the CPD credits.

  • Upon entering the webinar, you are welcome to use the chat feature to talk with your instructor and classmates prior to (and during) the session. You can also post questions for the class using the Q&A function. Your instructor may post Poll questions – please answer these. Your active participation will make this session more interesting and informative for all involved. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy your webinar experience!

Image of woman with a headset talking