Licensing, Registration, and Continuing Education Courses
Licensing and Registration Programs

Licensing, Registration, and Continuing Education Courses

The Real Estate Division provides real estate licensing, registration, and continuing education courses for provincial regulatory bodies (British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan) as well as provincial and national associations.
Credit, AIC, & Professional Development Programs
Business people walking in a modern building

Credit, AIC, & Professional Development Programs

Our division builds on the strength of the faculty's real estate expertise to provide state-of-the-art credit, AIC, and professional development programs.

Build on our expertise

As Canada's leading real estate educator, the Sauder School of Business Real Estate Division builds on the strength of the Faculty's Real Estate expertise, offering a comprehensive range of top-calibre, industry-driven programs that serve the needs of the real estate community locally, nationally, and internationally. Ongoing collaboration between industry professionals and faculty experts results in a state-of-the-art curriculum that blends theory and practice. As a program participant, you gain Sauder School of Business credentials, professional qualifications, and knowledge and skills you can apply immediately on the job.