Today’s frontline leaders must position themselves as leaders, coaches, mentors, motivators, psychologists, administrators, negotiators and advocates for the goals of every stakeholder—all while managing the most diverse talent pool of employees in history.
This program arms you with a powerful set of strategies and skills for managing the issues faced by frontline leaders. Ramp up your emotional intelligence, productivity and problem-solving acumen. Lead people and their performance with confidence. Adjust to the changing expectations of your boss, peers and those you supervise. Act as a valued intermediary who can communicate smoothly between all levels, ensuring that objectives get heard, tasks get acted on, and everyone gets the support they need.
Sign up now to get on board for greater job satisfaction and career success!
How you will learn
This program is highly experiential with an active, hands-on learning format that ensures practical relevance. Engage in small group exercises and cases as a vehicle for learning, and apply the content to real-world problems. Leave with a set of practical tools you can start using right away back at work.
Who is this for?
Mid-level supervisors, front-line managers and team leaders
Individuals who have recently transitioned into a supervisory role
High-potential employees who aspire to a leadership position
Those seeking to refresh their supervisory skillset
The impact
With a focus on comprehensive skill development, this program aims to achieve impactful outcomes including:
Put your own mask on first:
Be present and self-aware
Remain open and receptive to trying new things
Display confidence and a positive attitude
Ace key skills:
Grow your ability to manage upwards, downwards and across
Create trust and a sense of psychological safety
Drive problem-solving from within your team
Get stuff done:
Stop doing “no value” activities
Organize your priorities to deliver higher-value results
Delegate to multiply your productivity
Help your team flourish:
Adapt your style to respond to the different needs of your people
Set clear goals and monitor performance
Engage, motivate, support and reward appropriately
Do tough things:
Manage emotional “hot buttons”—yours’ and others’
Groove with ambiguity and lead constant change
Shape culture from the front lines, not from behind your desk
Upcoming sessions
(1 of 4 offerings)(2 of 4 offerings)(3 of 4 offerings)(4 of 4 offerings)
Develop the managerial skills of key staff members, preparing them to take on more senior leadership positions
Empower frontline leaders to break down barriers and enhance teamwork and productivity
Improve the flow of information and ideas throughout the organization
Strengthen relationships with customers and other external stakeholders, leading to better bottom-line results
Foster an inclusive workplace culture of excellence and growth
Interested in upgrading your team?
Our custom programs and corporate services offer comprehensive learning and organizational development support that is truly aligned with your strategy, culture and values.
Responsibilities and demands you face as a supervisor
The impact of organizational change and how it affects your role
Situational Leadership
Different leadership styles and their application to team members based on their level of competence, confidence and commitment
Building a personal plan to become a more effective supervisor
Essential Supervisory Leadership Skills
Emotional intelligence
Performance management of team members
Dealing with difficult issues: conducting challenging conversations, disciplining firmly and fairly without creating resentment
Workload Management
Strategies for organizing and managing multiple priorities
Setting goals for yourself and your team
Learning to let go: delegating tasks to others
People Management
Delivering a stellar onboarding experience and preparing people for their roles
Building trust, engagement and accountability
Monitoring and reporting staff performance
Communicating Across the Organization
Communicating upwards: making yourself heard and increasing your influence with various levels of management
Communicating downwards: translating organizational objectives and expectations back down the lines
Communicating across: working collaboratively with peers in other business units
Nurturing an EPIC Culture
The psychology of purpose: understanding how people think can empower them to deliver better engagement and results
Motivating front-line staff to commit to and act on organizational objectives
Supporting the integrity of the company culture
Change and Transition
Why is change so hard, and why doesn’t it stick?
The drivers of change and the change process
Becoming an effective agent of change
Robert Murray
Robert is a Vancouver-based strategy, culture and leadership consultant. Bringing more than four decades of expertise to UBC Sauder Executive Education, he empowers executives to build high-performance, thriving workplaces where teams can reach their full potential.
Renowned for his transformational leadership approach, Robert has led projects in over 25 countries for organizations like TELUS, Vodafone, Heineken, Coca Cola, AstraZeneca, Deloitte, Ledcor and Westjet. During his career, his roles have evolved from frontline middle management to VP sales, marketing, and operations, and to C-Suite positions as CCOO, CMO, COO and CEO. His extensive industry experience allows him to bring invaluable insights to clients and executive education professionals.
Robert is the recipient of two New York Festival Awards and one Summit Award (in Portland, Oregon) for Marketing Innovation Excellence. Additionally, he was awarded the ’Speaker of the Year’ recognition from TEC Canada. He is also the Amazon #1 Best Selling Author of two critically acclaimed books on leadership, business and strategy entitled; It’s Already Inside and Unlocked.
Robert holds a degree in Marketing from BCIT, Advanced Services Marketing from Babson College in Boston and Executive Finance from Queens University as well as a Master Trainer designation from BCIT.
[Executive Education Programs] Essentials in Supervisory Skills
Elevate your career and organization with UBC Sauder. Recognized as a global leader in executive education by the Financial Times, our programs deliver a transformative learning experience, resulting in tangible impact.