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Founded in 2013, 4HK was a boutique agency aimed at providing and giving back to Hong Kong (For Hong Kong). 4HK was the first Hong Kong agency to be partnered with an award-winning acceleration programmed for startups in LimeHK bridging the gap between startups/SMEs and business development. Bringing together domain expertise and innovation of a performance-based marketing with entrepreneurial passion.
Alumni business owner stories

Eco-Friendly and Business Savvy: Samantha Rayner Makes Better Basics
Samantha Rayner grew up in a household where she learned the value of environmental responsibility at a young age. Since then, she’s made the pursuit ...

How this Toronto entrepreneur is advancing HIV prevention
With the help of his impactful education at UBC Sauder, Amaan Banwait transforms his technical training into creating accessible health solutions.

Celebrating our alumni small business owners
Dreaming about launching your own business? Five alumni small business owners offer some helpful tips.