

Currently the Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing is building a database of resources, both internal and external, in the areas of impact investing, low-carbon economy, and social innovation.

Reports & publications

The Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing publishes a number of reports throughout the year as a result of the projects undertaken within the centre. Our current reports cover several research areas including: carbon management, sustainable transportation, clean technology and energy, digital media, food systems, community engagement, social economy and development.  This is the repository where you can find all of them.

Latest reports


Social Venture Impact Investing: the Canadian Landscape

This report aims to provide a robust analysis of impact investing in Canadian social ventures. It is designed to answer three main questions: (1) What are the market dynamics for social venture impact investing? (2) What is the appetite for social venture impact investing (3) What can be done to better support social ventures in Canada?

Download the full report     Download the executive summary


Impact Investing in Preventive Healthcare

This paper provides a landscape overview of the healthcare system in Canada, and outlines a role for impact investors. The financial burden on the healthcare system can be lessened if the population becomes healthier, and if long-term conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases become less prevalent. Impact investors can play a role in reducing the prevalence of long-term, chronic conditions by focusing capital allocation on preventive health practices. We highlight three programs that can link private capital and positive health outcomes together.

Read more     Download the full report

Publications list

Image of woman with a headset talking
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    CIRS Building
    Room# 2331, 2260 West Mall
    Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4