Trevor Heaver
B.A. (Oxon) Balliol College; PhD (Indiana University)
Past, UPS Foundation Professor of Transportation
Past Chair, Transportation and Logistics Division
Past Director, Centre for Transportation Studies
Past Chair, World Conference for Transportation Research, 1983-1986
Past President, International Association of Maritime Economists, 1994-1998
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division
Selected recent publications
- “The shrinking case for bigger ships,” Containerisation International, 49:6, July/August 2016, p. 47.
- Leading Systems for Oil Spill Response in Ports: Implications for Canada, (Clear Seas, Vancouver, 2017), pp. 37.
- “Spill response in ports under the Oceans Protection Plan,” BC Shipping News, 7:5, 2017, pp. 37-38.
- “Managing maritime logistics in the cyber age,” Lloyd’s List, Maritime Intelligence, Informa, 6 July 2018.
- “Valuing freight transport: A Canadian example of the role of selected methodologies,” Research in Transportation Business and Management, (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rtbm.2018.06.001 (Co-authors J. Rowsell, M. R. Brooks, K. Behrens, J, Lawson)
- “Oil spill response in port areas: Governance and the polluter-pays principle,” International Journal of Transport Economics, XLV:3, November, 2018, pp.367-391 (Co-authors Valentin Carlan, Christa Sys and Thierry Vanelslander)
- “Consortia rules boost carrier efficiency” Lloyd’s List, Maritime Intelligence, Informa, 28 May 2019; and Lloyd’s List Containers, July/August 2019.
- “Principles in Practice: An Examination of Cascading,” International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 11:5, 2019, pp. 422 – 429.
- “Better logistics asset utilisation: When sharing does not run against the grain,” Canadian Sailings, September 2019, pp 51-54.
- “Canadian Rail Service Issues in 2009,” Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference, May 2009, pp. 626-640.
- “The Response of Liner Shipping Companies to the Evolution of Global Supply Chain Management,” in Maritime Economics and Business, 2nd edition, editor, Costas Grammenos, (London, Lloyds of London Press, 2010) pp. 457-477.
- “Coordination in Multi-Actor Logistics Operations: Challenges at the Port Interface,” in Integrating Seaports and Trade Corridors. Eds. P. Hall, R. McCalla, C. Comtois and B. Slack (Farnham, Ashgate Publishing, 2011) pp.155-170
- “The Evolution of Maritime Economics” in The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics, ed. Wayne K. Talley (New York, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) pp.16-33.
- “Increased Collaborative Relationships in International Logistics: Canadian and other national and corporate examples,” Maritime Policy & Management, published on-line, 31 January 2014