
Sandra Robinson

Sandra Robinson

Sandra Robinson

BA (British Columbia), MSc (British Columbia), PhD (Northwestern)
Distinguished University Scholar Chair
Professor, Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Division

Selected publications

  • Lyubykh Z., Zhong, R, Vuong, T., Robinson, S. & Hershcovis, S. (Forthcoming). Understanding the Impact of Witnessed Workplace Mistreatment: A Meta-Analysis of Observer Deontic Reactions and Employee Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology.

  • Zhong, R., Yao, J., Wang, Y., Lyubykh, Z., & Robinson, S. (Forthcoming). Workplace Aggression and Employee Performance: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Mediating Mechanisms and Cultural Contingencies. Journal of Applied Psychology.

  • Robinson, S. & Bennett, R. (2024). JMI Revisionist History of Workplace Deviance. Journal of Management Inquiry, 0(0), Published online Aug 15, 2024.

  • Zhong, R., Lian, H., Hershcovis, M. S., & Robinson, S. L. (2023) Mitigating or magnifying the harmful influence of workplace aggression: An integrative review. Academy of Management Annals. 17, 516–545

  • Zhong, R. & Robinson, S. (2021). What Happens to Bad Actors in Organizations: A review of Actor-Centric Outcomes of Negative Behavior. Journal of Management, 47(6), 1430-1467.

  • Zhong, R., Paluch, R.M., Shum, V., Zatzick, C.D. & Robinson, S.L. (2021). Hot, cold, or both? A person- centered perspective on death awareness during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106 (6), 839.

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