
Robin Lindsey

Robin Lindsey

Robin Lindsey

BA (Queen's University), M.A. (Queen's University), PhD (Princeton University)
CN Chair in Transportation and International Logistics
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • Vosough, S., A. de Palma and R. Lindsey, “Pricing vehicle emissions and congestion on an urban road network using a dynamic traffic simulator”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 161, 2022, 1-24. Paper

  • Xia, W. and R. Lindsey, “Port adaptation to climate change and capacity investments under uncertainty”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 152, 2021, 180-204. Paper

  • Vosough, S., H. Poorzahedy and R. Lindsey, “Predictive cordon pricing to reduce air pollution”,Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 88, 2020, 102564. Paper

  • de Palma, A., R. Lindsey, “Tradable permit schemes for controlling traffic congestion with variable capacity and demand”, Economics of Transportation 21, 2020. Paper

  • Lindsey, R., A. de Palma and H. Silva, “Equilibrium in the bottleneck model with atomic and non-atomic usersˮ, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 124, 2019, 82-107. Paper

  • Lindsey, R., G. Santos, “Addressing transportation and environmental externalities with economics: Are policy makers listening?, Research in Transportation Economics 82, 2020, 100872. Paper

  • de Palma, A., R. Lindsey and G. Monchambert, “The economics of crowding in rail transitˮ, Journal of Urban Economics 101, 2017, 106-122. Paper

  • Qian, Q., P. Guo and R. Lindsey, “Comparison of subsidy schemes in reducing waiting times for public health-care servicesˮ, Production and Operations Management 26(11), 2017, 2033-2049 Paper.


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