Martin Schulz
MA (Stanford), PhD (Stanford)
Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
Selected publications
- Schulz, M. (2024) "The Dynamics of Rules and Attention". Video produced for the Carnegie School of Organizational Learning Summer Academy. Published online at
https://www.csolconference.org/post/22-the-dynamics-of-rules-and-attention - Zhu, K. and Schulz, M. (2023) "Internal versus external knowledge sourcing of organizational rules: an exploratory study of CPGs in a healthcare organization." Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 32, Issue 6, December 2023, Pages 1352-1371.
- Schulz. M., & Zhu, K. (2022) "Learning by Connecting: How Rule Networks Evolve Through Discovery of Relevance" Organization Science. 33.5: 2018-2040.
- Zhu, K. & Schulz, M. (2019) “The Dynamics of Embedded Rules: How Do Rule Networks Affect Knowledge Uptake of Rules in Healthcare?” Journal of Management Studies, 56.8: 1683-1712.
- Schulz, M. (2016) “Logic of Consequences and Logic of Appropriateness.”, In: Augier, M., Teece, D. (eds). The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Palgrave MacMillan, London.
https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-349-94848-2_544-1 - Schulz, M. (2015) "The BTF Vision of Unfolding Rule World" Journal of Management Inquiry, 24(3), 332-333.
https://doi.org/10.1177/1056492615572545 - March, James G., Schulz, Martin, and Zhou, Xueguang (2000) "The Dynamics of Rules: Change in Written Organizational Codes" Stanford University Press