
Mahesh Nagarajan

Mahesh Nagarajan

Mahesh Nagarajan

PhD (U.S.C.)
Senior Associate Dean, Research
Professor, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • M. Nagarajan, Sosic, G., Tong, C. Stable Supplier Coalitions in Assembly Systems with Commodity Components. Operations Research.
  • S. Bansal, M. Nagarajan. Competitive Newsvendors. A Monge Sequence based Approach to Characterize the Competitive Newsvendor Problem. Operations Research.
  • Ding, Y., E. Park, M. Nagarajan, E. Grafstein. Patient Prioritization in Emergency Department Triage Systems: An Empirical Study of Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS).  M&SOM.
  • S. Carew, M. Nagarajan, S. Shechter, J. Arneja, E. Skarsgard. Dynamic capacity allocation for elective surgeries: reducing urgency-weighted wait times. M&SOM.
  • Y. Ding, T. McCormick, M. Nagarajan. A Fluid Model for an Overloaded Bipartite Queuing System with Scoring-Based Priority Rules. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
  • Dynamic GAP is APX Hard. Forthcoming in Mathematics of Operations Research.

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