
James Tansey


James Tansey

BSc (Hons), PhD (University of East Anglia, UK)
Executive Director, Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing
Associate, The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics (former Chair in Business Ethics at CAE)
Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Innovation Group

Selected publications

  • T. Smith, Bulkan, J, Zerriffi, H, Tansey, James, 2018, Indigenous peoples, local communities and Payments for Ecosystem Services, The Canadian Geographer.
  • Jillian Spies, Tahia Devisscher, Verena C. Griess, James Tansey, 2018, Value-oriented criteria, indicators and targets for conservation and production: A multi-party approach to forest management planning, Biological Conservation
  • Verena Griess, Cosmin Man, Marie-Eve Leclerc, James Tansey, Gary Bull, Carbon stocks and timber harvest. Alternative policy approaches for the Great Bear rainforest and their consequences, submitted to Forest Policy and Economics, FOREST POLICY, 2017.
  • Tansey, James et al, 2016, The early days of impact investing: market size, investment type and returns, in V. Vecchi et al (eds), Principles and Practice of Impact Investing: A Catalytic Revolution, Greenleaf, August 2016.
  • Tansey et al (eds), 2014, Carbon Governance, Climate Change and Business Transformation, Routledge.

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