Frieda Granot
BSc, MSc (Technion, Israel), PhD (Texas)
Advisory Council Chair in Management Science
Dean Emeritus of Graduate Studies and Professor Emeritus of Commerce and Business Administration
Selected publications
- Ciuera-Infosino, I., D. Granot, F. Granot, Monotonicity and conformality in multicommodity network-Flow problems”, Networks, Vol 74, issue 3 October, 2019.
- Sanjith Gopalakrishnan, Daniel Granot, Frieda Granot, Consistent Allocation of Emission Responsibility in Fossil Fuel Supply Chains, Management Science Vol. 67, No. 12, December 2021
- Sanjith Gopalakrishnan, Daniel Granot, F. Granot, Greys Sosic, Hailong Cui, Incentives and emission responsibility allocation in supply chains, Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 7, July 2021
- I.Ciuera-Infosino, F. Granot and A.F. Veinott Jr., "Multi-Commodity Production Planning: Quantitative Analysis and Applications" MSOM, Vol 17, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 589-607, (2015).
- D. Granot, F. Granot and Harshavardhan Ravichandran "The k-Centrum Chinese Postman Problem and Related Cost Allocation Game". Discrete Applied Mathematics, 179 (2014), 100-108.
- D. Granot and F. Granot, "On Graphs Which Can or Cannot Induce Chinese Postman Game with a Non-Empty Core". Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160, 2012, pp. 2054-2059.
- F. Granot, S. T. McCormick, M. Queyranne and F. Tardella. "Structural and Algorithmic Properties for Parametric Minimum Cuts", Mathematical Programming, 135, 2012, pp. 337-367.