
Darren Dahl


Darren Dahl

BCom (Alberta), PhD (UBC)
Dean, UBC Sauder School of Business
Innovate BC Professor

Selected publications

  • Nyilasy, Gergely, Shangwen Yi, Dennis Herhausen, Stephan Ludwig, and Darren W. Dahl, “Business-to-Investor (B2I) Marketing: The Interplay of Costly and Costless Signals”, Journal of Marketing, (forthcoming).
  • Krafft, Manfred, Jonas Schmidt, Michael Steiner, Nadine Eckel, and Darren W. Dahl (2024), “Hitting the Bullseye: Accurately Measuring Willingness to Pay for Innovations with Open and Closed Direct Questions”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41(2), 383-402.
  • Sun, Yixia, Xuehua Wang, Jo Andrea Hoegg and Darren W. Dahl (2023) “How Consumers Respond to Embarrassing Service Encounters: A Dehumanization Perspective”, Journal of Marketing Research, 60(4), 646-664.
  • Ordabayeva, Nailya, Lisa Cavanaugh, and Darren W. Dahl (2022) “The Upside of Negative: Social Distance in Online Reviews of Identity-Relevant Brands”, Journal of Marketing, 86(6), 70-92.
  • Xu, Lidan, Ravi Mehta, and Darren W. Dahl (2022) “Leveraging Creativity in Charity Marketing: The Impact of Engaging in Creative Activities on Subsequent Donation Behavior”, Journal of Marketing, 86(5), 79-94.

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