
Angèle Beausoleil

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Angèle Beausoleil

BAA (Toronto), MA (UBC), PhD (UBC)
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Innovation Group

Dr. Angèle Beausoleil completed her PhD in Innovation Process and Pedagogy at UBC (Fall 2016), following a 25 year professional career as a strategist, marketing and innovation executive for creative consultancies, technology companies, international consumer packaged brands, and non-profit companies. A recovering entrepreneur, she leads research on educating and advising global to hyper-local organizations on design-driven business models and market-driven products and services. As an award-winning teacher, she is passionate about developing future innovators and customer-centred intrapreneurs/entrepreneurs. Angèle formerly taught business design and innovation management at UofT's Rotman School of Management, and is a guest lecturer at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business.


Selected publications

  • Meisiek, S., Beausoleil, A. M., Barry, D., & Dattani, A. (2023). Gaining Flexibility in Expertise through Executive Education: Tuning Schemas in Design Thinking. Academy of Management Learning & Education, (ja), amle-2021.
  • Beausoleil, A. M. (2022). Textbook: Business Design Thinking and Doing: Frameworks, Strategies and Techniques for Sustainable Innovation. Springer International Publishing. 
  • Beausoleil, A. (2020). Visual Analytics as a Method of Analysis for Socio-Technological Systems: A case for mapping innovation intermediaries. Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, 8.
  • Beausoleil, A. M. (2018). Revisiting Rogers: the diffusion of his innovation development process as a normative framework for innovation managers, students and scholars. Journal of Innovation Management, 6(4), 73-97.

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