
Two students turned co-hosts tackle life’s big questions one podcast episode at a time

Adam Ogniewski (left) and Brandon Yan (right)

Adam Ogniewski (left) and Brandon Yan (right)

Posted 2023-07-07

Adam Ogniewski and Brandon Yan are UBC Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) students and avid podcast listeners. They decided to create their own podcast as a way to meet people who are living remarkable lives and have wisdom to share. While their show, Quoting Life, is only a few months old, Ogniewski and Yan are reaching fans around the globe with their candid and thought-provoking interviews. 

Before becoming co-hosts and business partners, Ogniewski and Yan were first-year undergraduate students in the same COMM 101 – Business Fundamentals class. The two became friends and began discussing the possibility of launching their own podcast; one where guests would speak from the heart and share their stories about work, life, and leadership. 

“When I got to UBC Sauder, I was introduced to the world of coffee chats,” recalls Ogniewski. “The fact that I could contact alumni and build a connection while learning so much was amazing. I started thinking, ‘What if other people could derive value from these coffee chats too?’”

Yan was also contemplating becoming a podcaster as a way of networking with people who were making a positive impact in the world. The two students began planning a weekly podcast that would offer Gen Z listeners engaging content and answers to some of their big questions. They decided to call their show, Quoting Life

“The theme of our show is, let the stories of the past shape your future,” explains Yan. “Our format is very conversational. We try to ask thoughtful questions to get our guests to open up about themselves and share some deeper insights. For example, we ask our guests to describe a defining moment in their lives. Then, wherever the conversation leads, we dig deeper into that.”

UBC Sauder Dean Darren Dahl was an early guest on Quoting Life
UBC Sauder Dean Darren Dahl was an early guest on Quoting Life


Building an impressive guest list 

Since launching in March 2023, the students have posted roughly a dozen episodes on YouTube, Spotify, and Instagram. They’ve interviewed business executives, non-profit leaders, and educators, including UBC Sauder Dean Darren Dahl and Lecturer Ann Stone.

The most watched episode features Hashim Mitha, CEO of fintech company MeetAmi Innovations. Mitha discusses business and innovation, but also shares his thoughts on living with intention, learning from adversity, helping others, and turning off your cell phone to be truly present with your friends or your thoughts.

Yan and Ogniewski attended the Harvard Social Enterprise Conference, where they networked with students and guest speakers from around the world. 

Another episode features Nigerian author Abi Daré whose debut novel, The Girl with the Louding Voice, became a New York Times bestseller. Yan and Ogniewski met the London-based author at the 2023 Harvard Social Enterprise Conference. 

“We heard that UBC Sauder provided funding for students to attend educational events, so we got some funding and went to Harvard,” says Yan. “We were the two youngest people at the conference, but because we’re podcasters, people were more open to talking to us. After the conference, we invited Abi on our show, and she said yes.”

Drawing in a digital community

Quoting Life is steadily attracting subscribers, and not just among UBC’s student population. 

“We’ve had listeners from South Africa, Spain, Thailand, and even North Macedonia,” says Ogniewski. “Our audience is very enthusiastic about giving feedback, which is great because we want to be as interactive as possible. We want to build a community where our listeners connect with us and each other.” 

Audiences have confirmed what Ogniewski and Yan hypothesized – that people everywhere are drawn to great storytelling.

“There’s a research study that shows when a person is listening intently to someone telling a story, their heartrate and breathing may synchronize to match the storyteller’s,” says Ogniewski. “So, as podcasters, we are really focused on building that audience connection by asking questions that allow our guests to be storytellers.” 

Growing from creative endeavour to viable business 

By interviewing a cross-section of industry and community leaders and educators, Ogniewski and Yan are building their professional networks, gaining new skills, and discovering how storytelling brings people together.

While Ogniewski is back home in Montreal for the summer and Yan is in Vancouver, the two are busy cold-calling potential guests and collaborating on future episodes. Ogniewski applies his creative talents to post-production, giving the show personality and polish, while Yan focuses on writing and marketing. Together, they’re learning how to build a small business.

“We’re just getting started and there’s so much potential to grow,” says Yan. “For the upcoming year, we’re going to try to grow our brand, get more people onboard to help us, and try to get some sponsorships or funding.”

As they build both creative and business skills, the two student podcasters are also gaining wisdom about some of life’s great mysteries. 

“Apart from the small lessons that every guest teaches you, the overarching lesson for me has been that human connection is a fundamental building block for fulfillment and happiness,” says Ogniewski. “In a world where AI and other technologies are disrupting how we communicate amongst ourselves, I’ve realized that a 30-minute chat can be the most fulfilling part of my week.”