The Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics is proud to showcase research by winners of the “Business For Social Good” and “EDI Catalyst” grant competitions:
This short research symposium will showcase grant-funded research about how business can contribute to the social good and topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. We will hear from a variety of faculty and graduate students from across UBC Sauder:
- Xuhui Chen (PhD student in Finance): “Responsible Consumption, Demand Elasticities, and Green Premium”
- Xixi Hu (PhD student in Marketing and Behavioural Science): “Impact of Physician Preference on Medication Compliance and Patient Health”
- Natalie Chu (PhD student in Management Information Systems ): “The Impact of Surveillance Capitalism on Educational Technology Adoption”
- Shangwen Yi (PhD student in Marketing and Behavioural Science): “Is More Always Better? How Should Businesses Make CSR Donations?”
Learn more about the Dhillon Centre research grants.